Thursday, January 10, 2008


Eye ball surgery today, it was interesting and the paper work took WAY longer than the procedure. JL!! I arrived on time at 8:15 and took a seat in the waiting room. Had a magazine and a book, I found some cool names for our "Lighten UP Iowa Team"...oops, off task already!

So, they call me over and we fill out paperwork and ask if I have my drops. Yep. Well they give me some more drops in my own little "black bag" as well as instructions on when to use them, how often and how much. GOT IT! I'll skip all the BORING details of the way, but I was suppose to go in at 10 and it must have been more like 10:40. The doctor does your last exam, puts a blue dot on the right side of my head (to indicate rt eye only) and then you are given you Valium and taken to the "surgery" room where it's pretty darn cold.

You lay under the laser and they tape you eye lashes to the top of your eye brow and then put in this little thing that keeps your eye open. You don't feel anything as they have put anesthetic drops in your eye balls. They tell you to relax and give you a couple stress squeeze balls. WHY!!! I never did use them. Do they really think I could use squeeze balls and stay focused on a bream of light as the same time? HONESTLY! They have NO idea who they were dealing with.

So, the produce begins and you see what I can only describe as the swirling of light (luckily it was red and orange G) It's like you are watching a hard rock song with the corresponding music pictures on the computer. Someone is indicating the time - 40 second - 30 seconds - 20 seconds - 10 seconds. I'm thinking JL are they going to launch me in space or what! G

Then you see a hand come in and they are swirling something around to (I'm sure removed the burned off cornea)...I would LOVE to see that part, of course that's a little impossible. Then a little more laser work - I think and they are using these drops and flushing your eye. The drops are really cold. Then you're done! Crazy huh!!

T G They taped the shield on (because I needed to take a nap when I got home) and gave me my sunglasses (which I've come close to poking my self in the eye with!

I took my nap and then I needed to use my drops, OMG!!! The tape ripped off 1/2 of my eye brow I swear! OUCH!!!! I think that might be the worst part....taking the tape off.

They tell you to follow the doctor's instructions to the letter, no computer, no extended reading or TV. So I'm doing a pretty good job. LOL Actually, I have my sunglasses on right now and I have a patch over the lens on my right eye and so I can't see out of it.

That eye is very light sensitive so if it's exposed to light it waters like crazy!!!

Is it worth it? We'll see. I had to have PRK vs. Lasik as the thickness of my cornea was very thick at the bottom (might be from long term use of contacts? or just the way my eyes are) So the recover time is longer. They said Saturday will be the day it's most uncomfortable.

It will be nice not needing to pop in contacts in the morning when camping.

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