Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I know...you're thinking JL, what now??? G

Do you LOVE those 100 calorie snack packs?? ME TOO!! Somehow, 1 just isn't enough with so many varieties....so after eating 3 I thought I'd better find a way to burn them off.......so.....

I happened upon a fitness table at work today, using a treadmill you are suppose to do the following -
* initial speed - 3.3 mph (a cinch!!)
* zero % grade for 1st minute
* 2% grade for 2nd minute
* Increase of 1% for each subsequent minute until 25 minute (mine only goes to 12%, so I couldn't go any higher after 11 minutes. (no biggie, most women didn't make it much past this...HEAR ME ROAR!!!)
* there after, the speed is increased by .2 mph each minute until test is terminated. (or participant dies....take your pick)
Okay....hear me WHINE!!! Actually I did pretty well....
Mean for women - 11 min 26 seconds.
Mean for Men - 16 min 52 seconds. (I wasn't going to let some freakin man beat me!! G)
My time - 18 minutes flat - that's at 12 % incline and 4.7 mph. I wanted to go further, but my calves were screaming for their momma!!!! I'll have Sissy do it, she'll kick my bum!!

Of course I did have a handicap named Seeker. Seeker seems to think when I'm on the treadmill is the PERFECT time to come over with a tug toy. This works " okay" when I'm warming up as I can reach down - grab an end and hold onto the toy with my right hand and the bar with the left (so he doesn't pull me off). Well, it's doesn't work as well when he brings over this big ball thing with a tail and keeps tossing the ball onto the treadmill so you have to step over or stumble through it as it passes! BH Where did this mutt come from?? Then the toy lands up in front of the treadmill and you have to prepare your self for him to either get it and in doing so, turn the power off or DOG forbid he would end up on the treadmill and some rolling down into you. JL!!! We all survived!!! G

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