Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day two of Wind on the MOUNTAIN!!

Gee, people wonder why I hate wind!! UGH!!!

I'm not even sure where to begin!

First off, it breaks things.


Doors, agility equipment, chairs, plants!!

Yes, Plants!!

I just put in my tomato plants yesterday morning. I waited two days knowing it would be windy. But, come on!!! Enough already!! So, yesterday I put up bed sheets around the garden to shelter the taller plants from the brutal 20-35 mph winds that were expected yesterday and today. It's actually working very well, although I'm pretty sure the neighbors are trying to figure out what the heck I'm up to. That's okay, it won't be the first time. G

We went to the Seed Exchange in Decorah, IA last weekend, on way to Eau Claire, WI. I picked out several varieties of heirloom tomatoes to try. German Pink, Brandywine, Gold Medal, Green Zebra and Purple Russian, etc. I figured we'd try several this year and then decide which we liked best for next year. So, needless to say, I'm a bit bitter about the WIND!!!
It's trying to KILL my tomatoes!

This morning, I readjusted the sheets and here's a picture I took a few minutes ago. The sheets are holding, but have a couple holes now from the posts. Plants look pretty good, a little wind whipped, but then again, so do I!!

No $64 tomatoes here!!


Anonymous said...

Not sure why people even plant tomatos, do you Marsha?

Marsha K. said...

No idea whatsoever!!!! Let's hope that Brandywine tomato doesn't end up costing her $64!!!!!

tervnmal said...

I feel your pain. My tomatoes took a beating over the weekend, too. Make it stop!!!