Saturday, December 12, 2009


It's Deer Season here in Iowa. That's great for those
of us that feed a raw diet to our dogs.
It's also great for those of use that have had the
misfortune of hitting them on the road.
Believe it or not,
it's also good for the deer as the quickly become over populated!

My luck in obtaining deer has been hit and miss.
There are years I get one or two and even one year that I didn't get any.
This year is TOTALLY a HIT YEAR!
My brother called the other day and asked me what I wanted.
Him and his friends had bagged a total of 16!!

They provided us with 10 or so large bags of rib cages and
legs that still had some meat on them.
Mostly the lower tendons.
These are great as the dogs seem to enjoy laying
on the kitchen floor and working all that meat loose.

I don't generally like the cold,
but it sure pays off when you have this much meat and bone 'dumped' on you.
Nature is going to have to be our natural freezer for this haul!

He also gave me several bags of nice trimmings.
I took 30# of it to the locker yesterday for summer
sausage and sticks. I have a good 30# more if you're interested.
I can feed it to the dogs, but it seems like
a waste when they have plenty!

1 comment:

tervnmal said...

Seek looks like he's really enjoying himself. Did he look like he'd committed a bloody murder when he was done?

Thanks to your bro for doing his part to even the deer vs vehicle odds!