Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Things that make you go.....HUM....

Out here at the Wind Hill Fowl Farm and Puppy Ranch, we're having some work done. Actually, we're having our house sided. No more painting!!! Well, not as much anyway. More on this later.

This post is specifically about one of the workers. I'd say, 'your typical construction worker'. I'm not sure what that is anymore. So, let me describe him: 40's, a short stocky guy, kind of 'bar ruff' looking. Someone your Dad would love, as long as he wasn't dating his daughter. Your Mom would like him because he'd cleans up his plate and ALL the left overs. He drives a beat up Chevy Pick Up: Multi-Colored Red Neck type with Primer, rust, holes and a junk yard new fender of two tone brown/cream. In the back is a shiny new truck tool box. His pride and joy.

I met him Monday Morning as I had to go and rescue him from the "attack" Tom Turkeys. Leonard and Skynard. Yes, after the Rottweilers in Without A Paddle. The boys had him 'trapped' in his truck and he was afraid to get out. I guess I can understand. Two 20 pound birds making all kind of racket and strutting outside your vehicle. It could be alarming. They are actually very nice birds and great yard alarms.

Do you get the general picture?
Here's the truck.

Do you notice the "I Love My Dog" Bumper Sticker?
I did.
So I'm thinking Rottweiler, Pit Bull, etc......


I got a good laugh out of this one!
He's really very nice, he feeds Rosie, our little chicken,
his bread crusts at lunch.
I told him he's never going to get rid of her now.
He just laughed.


tervnmal said...

That is too funny.

Looking forward to watching the progress on your house. It will be a mess but worth it in the end.

Marsha K. said...

LMAO!!! Love the truck and the bumper sticker.

I can't believe how BIG the boys are getting!!!

Anonymous said...

Are those stickers holding the truck together? I don't blame him for not getting out of the truck. Dang turkey's anyway -- so what time is dinner?

Can't wait to see the completed project.