Monday, May 12, 2008

pooparazzi stikes again!!

Well, it was a challenge. Maybe an assignment is more like it?? (Rilda, do we have a new assignment yet??)

But when you take your little "point and shoot camera" with you to a trial you MUST USE IT!!! It was a nice evening Saturday (before the rain) so I didn't want to miss the fun of taking pictures. I made sure I had my little PHD (push here dummy) at the ready for ANY and ALL opportunities!!

Surprisingly, dogs are a lot more like people than you would think.

Pull out the camera when they are "going" and they try to HIDE!!!

I did get a couple dogs however and ONE PERSON!!! G

My first "victim", if you will was Ollie.

He was NOT terribly pleased with being the "center" of attention.

I did manage to get this rare footage however!

Poor Cozzie!!!

He wasn't happy either!!

He saw me coming, but couldn't get away!!!

Apparently Barb's dogs were the only ones full know.

Finally our human, Carrie! She had NO idea I was SNAPPING away.

Carrie has a very interesting poop pick-up technique. She likes to "stalk" her pray!

I'm not really sure why she sneaks up on it? It's like it might actually be able to ESCAPE!!!

This one however, did NOT get away! GOOD JOB CARRIE!!

Do you really think she needed a baggie THAT BIG??

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