Thursday, May 15, 2008

From out of the SHADOWS.....

Wednesday afternoon as I’m driving up the gravel road I notice there are people on our barn roof!! GREAT!!! Since it blew off last month – well, a few sheets did anyway, it was nice to see it getting repaired.

So I’m visiting with one of the guys and he says. “You almost lost your yellow cat today”. WHAT!!!! OMG!! I’m thinking he got run over, or almost got run over. Cougar is the friendliest darn little cat and has become my favorite. He chases Seeker and “hides” behind things to attack him. Very cute!!!

Turns out it was nothing like that. They saw Cougar coming out of the back of their construction trailer yesterday morning and they had just come from another job. The house they left had several cats and the owner is pretty attached to them. They thought Cougar was one of his cats, thus they called him. The guy drove 30 minutes to our house with a kennel at the ready to take his little beast home. Luckily the guy saw Cougar and said, “That’s NOT my cat”. I’m so glad he didn’t take him, I would have wondered what ever happened to him. Today Bill is going to put Cougar in a “box” so he STAYS out of trouble. Or out of as much trouble as a Cougar can stay out of.

So last night after class I was letting Chemi and Cougar out of their "box". (To keep them for getting run over or chased by dogs) and I thought I heard a strange meow. I stopped and listened again. Yep, absolutely a NEW voice in the barn!!! G “Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty” Out comes this adorable black and white cat with NO TAIL!!!! (‘:
She is really cute and I know she’s not Alan’s because those cats run whenever a stranger is near. It’s pretty obvious she’s someone’s ‘pet’ because she’s so friendly. HUM>…..wonder if she’s the “other guy's cat???” Here we go again!! LOL

Anyway, Bill called last night to let the construction crew know. She’s in the “Cougar/Chemi” box so Cher can’t chase her off. If she’d not that guys cat, she can stay. She’s VERY CUTE!
Don’t tell Bill…..I’ll have to think of some “other” reason she needs to stay!! LOL

I’ll have to start thinking of some cute names, that start with a "C" of course……JIC ..

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