Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sprint Triatholn - 8 weeks and Counting!!

It's time to get SERIOUS!!!!

I'll admit, I've been a bit "slacking" in the training department. I have been really good about the swimming, but let's face it, the swim is the SHORTEST part of the race!! It's the biking and running I really need to get working on!!! To help myself be accountable I'm going to start posting my hours worked each day. I'm suppose to be on a 5 hour minimum a week training plan and I found out yesterday that I can't count travel time or "thinking about it" time....that means I really need to pick up the pace!

I've been getting to the pool a minimum of once a week and twice a week, the last couple of weeks. I'm going to commit to twice a week for the next 8 weeks and 3 times if I can swing it. I no longer feel like I'm going to drown or pass out after one lap, and I can now out swim most of the grandmothers. Yes, I'M PROUD!! It doesn't take much!! G

Funny thing is, I really enjoy the swimming. I would have never guess, but it's GREAT!! You're weightless, you get to blow bubbles and you can scream underwater and no one hears you! At least I don't think they do? So, now you're asking yourself....does she really scream under water? Well, no, but I do like to make the Jurassic Park growl on my flips at the end of the lane. I don't know why, it's just kind of fun. You know, the noise in Jaws when the shark finally gets blown up and there's this groaning/growling noise? You'll just have to trust me...or you can find the clip on You Tube!!!

I freestyle, aka "crawl", which is the most efficient use of your swim. Alternating breathing from left to right every 3rd stroke. I can do the 11 laps or 600 yds in about 10 minutes. (This is about the distance in the Pigman) I swim for 30 minutes without stopping. So, I'm feeling pretty good about the swim. Of course, I realize that the open swim won't be as easy as pool swimming. No blue lines at the bottom of the pool to keep you swimming straight. No end of the pool every 25 yards, no clear water to see who's coming or going (this could be a good thing). This is a little bothersome at times...but I try not to think about it. I'm pretty good at denial.

As I mentioned, one fun thing about swimming is the bubbles you can make. With each stroke you blow air out your nostrils so that on the 3rd you are ready to take oxygen in. The bubbles are so blue and happy, it's kind of fun. It's not so fun when your allergies kick in and your blowing out some snot along with your bubbles. Okay, it's my snot....I don't care.....but then you start to wonder if the other 6-8 people in the pool are doing the same. Then it gets a little frightening!! Thank goodness for chlorine!

I am setting some goals for myself. Just to help myself stay on track and not slack off until the week before. THAT WOULD BE BAD!!!! Dawn, my sister, was telling me about a time she was in line for the swim for the Pigman and she heard a couple gals ahead of her say, "Boy, I guess we should have gotten to the pool a few times huh." OMG!! I do NOT want to be those people!! LOL

The down side is my swim cap during the race is BLACK!! Of all colors!! The one they are LEAST likely to see go UNDER!!! I'm pretty sure Bill had something to do with this decision! He told me today while he was adjusting my bike seat that I should be sure to carry my health insurance card. Gee....THANKS!!! G

My Personal Goals

Finish in the top 3 for my age group in the Swim.

Overall time - 1 hour 45 minutes.

10 minute Swim - .5K (547 yards)
55 minute bike ride - 25K (15.5 miles)
30 minute run - 5 K (3.1 miles)
10 minutes overall for transitions and "lost time"

As a side note - Lyle from Dawn's Club will be racing again this year.
He's 78 - Last year, at 77 - his overall time - 1:42:52

GO LYLE!!!!!!


Marsha K. said...

I have this on my planner and am NOT going to miss it!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot even imagine. Good for you.

tervnmal said...

You go, girl!

I'll take my heart meds and cheer from the sidelines!

Can't you get a different color cap? Tell them your dog ate the black one or something.