Thursday, April 2, 2009

Distraction Training.

We all know how important it is to "proof" your dogs.....making things more challenging.
Experiencing something in training, that you would NEVER see at trials.
That way, when you get to a trial, everything will seem so EASY!!!!

So, living out in the country does have it's drawbacks.


So, as I like to say, "You've got to MAKE it HAPPEN"

Can you find Seeker??

He's in there. G

Chickens are GREAT for distractions!

Or maybe I should say....they are GREAT for MY dogs as distractions.

You might NOT want to try this at home.

There he is!!


So, really what was the point of the distraction?
We were working weave poles.
Entries to be more specific.

Have you hugged your chicken today?

1 comment:

tervnmal said...

Maybe I could drag my weaves out onto the cattle yard to practice . . . thanks for the idea, the Farmer will LOVE it!