Friday, July 3, 2009

Let's Swim!!!

Since the Pigman a month ago, I have not run or biked. POOR SUZIE!!!

I have however continued my swimming. I'd love to go all 3 days, but two at least. It is a challenge with work and traffic, but I'm committed, so I make it happen.

Swimming it good for you! It's low impact and provides a great cardiovascular workout!

This morning at swim we had a FULL HOUSE! I'm not sure if it was because a lot of people had today off or if Friday is just one of the more popular days? All I know is Wilma got to use her whistle!!! Yes, I was jealous!

The whistle indicates that people need to swim within a lane vs. up and back. The pool only has 4 lanes, so if you have more than 8 people, the whistle is BLOWN!!!

Then we break up into lanes based on speed.

Today my 'lane partner' was Dan. OMG!!! HELP ME!!! Dan is a POWER swimmer!
He is FAST! I suppose this is a good match since it makes me swim faster too.
I do NOT like to be lapped!
The only thing that saves me from being lapped by Dan is on occasion he stops to check his heart rate! THANK GOD!! Me, I just keep swimming and figure if my heart stops I did too much! G

When we have our own 'up and back' lane, Dan regularly 'laps' me. I'm okay with that as I can usually justify it....he often has 'fins' on. I'm realistic however, I'm not under any false illusions that he's not faster than me.

It is good to swim next to a strong swimmer. It makes you work harder. I can tend to get in my 'zone' and not push myself. In that zone I could probably swim back and forth forever. Okay...probably not forever...but a good long time.

Today I went into the pool thinking I'd up my 30 laps to 40, which is one mile. If I'm going to do a 1/2 triathlon (on a team), the swim is 1.2 miles which means you need to be able to do a minimum of 60 laps in the pool with ease. The plans were changed however since it was so busy and with the pressure of swimming faster I lost count of my laps. I either did one more or one less than 30....I hate it when that happens! I need a personal lap counter!

Wilma sent this article out a few days ago. I thought it was good and worth sharing.
Look around in your area, check the high schools or colleges. I'm betting they have an open swim that you can work into your schedule!!

Click on the article below to make it LARGER.


Marsha K. said...

Hmmm... what if I don't like water????

tervnmal said...

The only water I want to see is ICE, frozen in a margarita!