Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday - SPRING FEVER!!!!!!

I started off this morning by checking my e-mail and drinking a pot of coffee.
I had just changed into my running shoes and was about to head out the door with Seeker,
when the phone rang.

It was my Brother-In-Law, Chris. They were heading to Anamosa for a Volleyball
Tournament and thought I might like to come over to watch for awhile. 3.5 miles or sit on my butt and watch someone else exercise?

I didn't have to think about that too long!

I discovered Volleyball Tournaments are similar to Agility Trials.
You wait a long time to play for a short time. G
Granted, they got to play a LOT longer than we do at agility.
Here's a short video clip I did of my niece, Daphne, she's 12.
She's #5, in red.
She's the best player on the team, at least I thought so.

I'm not biased or anything.........

I should note that one of Daphne's "team mates" had the most amazing looking Orange Shoes!!
I was sitting next to her mother, I "nonchalantly" asked what size she wore.
They were 11s!!! Can you believe it!!
What's up with Kids feet these days!! G

I watched 4 games over a few hours, ate lunch from their cooler and then headed for home.
It was a beautiful day out and I had a TON of stuff to get done.

I was home before 1 PM and Bill was already outside raking!!
The chickens were out and I thought it would be a nice sunny day to get some pictures.

Here are the German Spitzhauben.
Are they cute or what??
They are a bit smaller than my other hens and there's one that I think would be
BRILLIANT at clicker training.
I think that would be a lot of fun,
but I'm afraid that something BAD would happen to that chicken.
I suppose as a trainer I should not worry about that,
but I don't want my "weaving" chicken to be eaten by a varmint.

The rooster is below.

Here's the Hen. The two hens "pullets" haven't started to lay yet.
They will lay small white eggs. The only white chicken eggs
we'll have. I'm sure they will be easy to tell from the JUMBO duck eggs.

Of course Cougar has to help take pictures.
I can't go anywhere without this cat following along.

Of course being a cougar, it's important to blend into your surroundings.
Do you see a cat??

Oh, wait....I have an itch.

No, not there....higher....higher......


AH HA!! I was only kidding....
I was setting up the chickens for a chase! VBG

Time to put the camera away.......and get to work.

I tilled the gardens a second time and planted a couple early spring items.
Raked out some planters, moved a few sedum.

I tried to dig up a shrub, but the frost line is down about a foot.
JIC, you were thinking of transplanting one too! G

What a beautiful day!!

Cougar says........
"I sure can't wait until Monday when I can get a full days rest!!

1 comment:

Marsha K. said...

I can't believe she's old enough for organized sports already!!!!! How did she grow up so fast?

Love the last shot of Cougar!