Monday, March 16, 2009

Hail Yeah - Part II

Seeker made his second appearance in the agility ring last weekend, with his first appearance (or DE-BUTT - as we call it) in Jumpers with Weaves. I'm pretty sure he likes this class better than Standard, as he gets to run "Balls Out" all the way without any stopping! Who's idea is it to stop anyway?

I was very happy with him overall. I ran by MY RULES and didn't have to pay Carrie $20! My plan in Jumpers was for him to literally chase me around the course. I didn't want to fall into my "old" handling style of baby sitting to make sure things are getting done correctly. I'd like Seeker to learn his job is to run as fast as he can and take whatever is in front of him, correctly of course. My job is to also run as fast as I can (at times), while making sure his path to the obstacles in front of him are correct.

I would be lying if I said that I was completely happy with his contacts. Friday's were fine, but Saturday he ran right through the dog walk (we stopped there) and the same for the Aframe on Sunday(we stopped there as well). I'm not sure if stopping really had any impact on him, but we'll sure go back and PROOF those "bottoms" more.

It was a good experience for me and helps me understand how hard it is to end a run when you really want to keep on going. I was proud of myself for sticking to my game plan and following through. I think we'll both be better for it.

I was very happy with his weave poles and he did a great job at "nailing" them from a run. We do need to do some work to do with getting them from a stand still and I need to be careful not to fall into the weave pole "baby sitting" trap.

We learned a LOT of things over the weekend. Some for me, some for him.

Okay....most for HIM!! LOL

Things for Tammy to remember.

* For the love of Pete....STAND UP during your front crosses!!! I'll take the blame for the #4 bar going down in our very first JWW 3/13 run. It looks like I must have dropped something on the ground! GEEZ!! Get it later!! Unless it's chocolate of course!

* When you put in a Front Cross, don't OVER ROTATE!! JL!! I pulled the poor guy off the Double. Lesson Learned!! But I really liked the way he followed me.

* It might help a "green" dog if he could actually see you behind the wing on the first jump. Sorry puppy!

* Criteria Criteria Criteria!! GOOD JOB ME! Boy, does it ever hurt to leave a course early!

* Learn some new tricks to do outside the ring while we're waiting our turn. We'll gain more friends this way. Or, find out how much ear plugs are by the case!

Things for Seeker to remember.

* No matter how loud you cry and whine outside the ring, your turn won't come any faster!

* Getting between my feet on the way into the ring will only cause us to take LONGER getting to the start line! Please wait to "set up" between my feet until I ask you. If you break me, you don't get to run alone.

* It's helpful when we DO 'Set up" and you go between my feet, that you are facing the same direction I am, vs. watching the dog finish behind us. It's most helpful if you'd look for the cone with the #1 in these situations.

* Bars are set on those holders for a reason. Let's KEEP them there!!!

* A broad jump is something you are suppose to jump over! It's NOT a bridge to run across. ♠

* Those contacts - Remember those? You did great on Friday. Is it only days that start with an "S" that contacts become optional? Remember, GAME OVER!

* Tires should be cleared cleanly. They are NOT to be banked off of! (See Standard run)

* Need to focus on next obstacle when coming out of the chute!

* It'll be much faster when you see a table to just get ON IT!!!

Friday JWW 17.3 seconds. Dropped my shoulder in the cross at #4 and he drops that bar. I'm to far ahead of him to rear cross at the double and he spins. I know, you can't see it, but you'll have to trust me on that one. What's up with that LEFT arm into the tunnel!! Push with the RIGHT! UGH!

Saturday JWW - He drops the first bar because he can't see me. I over rotate at the double and he drops a bar on the way out. 17.34 seconds

Sunday JWW - Drops one bar
18.5 Seconds

Friday Standard Run. Freebies - Board jump and Table. He ran across the broad jump...I think I see at least 3 feet hit it. Table? What Table?? Get on it already! He knocks a couple bars coming around to the A frame.

Sunday - Standard - Ran over Broad Jump, Missed A Frame Contact.

We have a lot to think about and review. Our next trial will be at Ames in June, so during the next several weeks we'll continue to practice on the items above and possibly some new ones.

In the mean time.....HUG YOUR DOGS!!!!!

1 comment:

Marsha K. said...

Excellent.... uh... expert! LOL He looks good - really like the banking off the tire - very EEEEficent!