These little turkeys hatched on 6/10 & 6/11. I was fortunate enough to get to them before their mothers pecked them to death like they did the other 7!! UGH! It might be because two Turkey hens are sitting on the nest and not just one? Next year I'll do things differently. They sure look delicious, um, I mean CUTE!!
Now I check the next twice a day to see if any others have hatched. They are still sitting on 18 or so eggs and timing is EVERYTHING for their survival. Right now they are on the enclosed porch in a shoe box with a lamp leaning over the box for heat. They need to be kept at about 99 degrees for awhile. It sure would be easier if MOM had just done it! Bill will make up a nursery out in the building later today. They are close to getting OUT of the box! One poor little guy keeps getting turned upside down like a turtle and can't get back up! It's lucky I check on them often.
June has been a pretty tough month for us. I'm hoping we can make it through the rest of it without BILL getting hurt. He seems to be the only one that's gone UNSCATHED so far! I broke my wrist on 6/1, Mad was at the vet's with a bladder infection 6/2. Saphira, the colored pony had a horrible swelling on her belly, umbilicus and udder, so the vet came out on 6/3. Thankfully Julie came down to hold her. Saphira, not the vet. She'd been bitten multiple times by 'black flies' and was having an allergic reaction to them. So, a steroid and histamine shot later, she seems to be good. Adam, well, he was scuffed up from his fall with me. He also had flies attacking his face and swelled up. Thank Goodness for Hemorrhoidal cream!! It helped relieve the itch and swelling. It's looking MUCH better and the hair will grow back. No body wants butt cream on their face, but it sure made a difference!
Kruz had a sty on his eye lid removed on the 10th, he's doing fine. Seeker slipped in the tub yesterday and spent an hour limping on his right front leg! UGH! He likes to lay in their when it's hot, we don't run our central air and apparently that's the coolest place in the house. So, as you can see, Bill is the only one without injury!!
Speaking of Bill! Wow, has he ever come through! He is now quite the horseman, as I'm not able to put halters on the horses to take them out to the pastures. He puts them on and leads them out for me! What a guy! There are not multiple chores he gets to do, LUCKY HIM!! He seems to be taking it all in stride.
My typing is still one handed and frustrating! Hopefully physical therapy will start after the cast and stitches come off out Friday. In the mean time, I could really do with a 'one handed keyboard', did you know they actually MAKE such a thing!
One last thing, some humor that either Meme or Martha sent me.
Too funny NOT to share!
Hug your Dog! Kiss your Pony!!
1 comment:
You guys really need a break. Um, wait, no, that's not what I meant!
Hang in there, Bill, the cursed month of June is almost over!
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